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Sagot :


ExpliEse es Matías. No recuerdo cuándo nació.That's Matias. I can't remember when he was born.

b. when she was born (feminine)

Nadie sabe dónde ni cuándo nació.Nobody knows where or when she was born.

c. when it was born

Sé todo sobre la banda, excepto cuándo nació.I know everything about the band, except for when it was born.

2. (informal) (second person singular)

a. when you were born

Dígame de nuevo cuándo nació.Tell me again when you were born.

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1. (indicating place)

a. where

Estoy en el restaurante donde comimos el otro día.I'm at the restaurant where we ate the other day.

b. wherever

Sal a donde quieras. A mí no me importa.Go wherever you want. I don't care.


2. (indicating place)

a. where

A él no le gusta jugar al béisbol donde no hay cancha.He doesn't like to play baseball where there is no field.


3. (indicating place)

a. no direct translation

Se van a reunir todos los primos donde tu tía para cenar.All the cousins will gather at your aunt's for dinner.cación: