Answered facilita la búsqueda de soluciones a todas tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad activa. Encuentra soluciones rápidas y fiables a tus dudas gracias a una comunidad de expertos dedicados. Descubre un vasto conocimiento de profesionales en diferentes disciplinas en nuestra amigable plataforma de preguntas y respuestas.

6. Complete the sentences with words for types of books.

1 Lonely Planet publishes t_____________ for countries all over the world.

2 Life, Love and Texting is a c_____________ it's very funny!

3 Tom Oldfield wrote Rafael Nadal, a b_____________ about the famous tennis player.

4 The Lightning Thief is about a boy who is breve and clever, and does lots exciting things. It is an a_____________.

5 Nelson Mandela told the story of his life in his a_____________ The long Walk to Freedom.

6 Michael Morpurgo wrote Toro Toro!, great h_____________. The events happen in Spain during the Civil War.

Past simple - be: questions
7 Write questions using the past simple of be. Then answer.

1 Where / you / yesterday at 3 pm

2 your best friend / with you / last Saturday

3 When / your last test

4 What / the last book you read

5 you and your classmates / at school / yesterday at 5 pm

Sagot :


Indicate which Adverb of frequancy gives us 50% effectiveness.


They are usually at work on Saturdays.


My mother sometime goes to gym.


Carlos never makes dinner for us.


My cat and dog are always fighting.
