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listen to and read the blogs about Outlook sports durante the pandemic​

Listen To And Read The Blogs About Outlook Sports Durante The Pandemic class=

Sagot :

Listen to and read the blogs about outdoor sports during the pandemic.

LET'S UNDERSTAND UNDERSTAND-EXERCISE 1 - Complete the infographic of Basilio and Andrea. Write "always" or "never":



Always wear a mask.

1. Never put your mask under your chin.



2. Always stay a safe distance.

3. Never hug a person.

2. Put a check in the correct box:


                                                                ALWAYS             NEVER    

Wear a mask.                                              ✔

Hug a person.

Use hand sanitizer.

Cover your nose and mouth.                   ✔

Put your mask under your chin.                                          

Stay a safe distance.                                                                      

Touch your face.                                                                    

Touch your clothes.


                                                                ALWAYS             NEVER    

Wear a mask.

Hug a person.                                                                         ✔

Use hand sanitizer.                                    ✔

Cover your nose and mouth.

Put your mask under your chin.

Stay a safe distance.                                   ✔

Touch your face.

Touch your clothes.                                                                ✔