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Write positive sentences in past progressive.
you / play / cards ………………………
Alice / walk / around the lake ……………….
Caron / listen / to the radio ………………
we / read / a book about Australia …………..
Linda / look for / her ring ………….
Fiona and Sam / visit / the castle ……………..
Ben / wash / the car ………………..
Kim and I / wait / in the park …………………..
My sister / feed / the birds ………………
10. Greg and Phil / count / their money ………………
Write negative sentences in past progressive.
Sarah and Luke / not / work …………….
Mister Miller / not / teach / chemistry ……………….
Barry / not / drive / a lorry ………………..
Mandy / not / have / lunch ……………………
Albert / not / play / tennis ………………..
Taylor and Bob / not / cycle / home ……………….
Annie / not / clean / the table ……………………
Benjamin / not / write / an e-mail ………………..
Jane / not / exercise / in the gym …………….
10. Robert / not / buy / flowers ………………….
Write questions in past progressive.
Rachel / feed / the cat ………………….
the children / paint / a picture …………………..
Clark / repair / his computer ……………………..
Hazel / swim / in the pool …………………
Lucas / have / a shower ………………..
Jason and Aron / run / down the street ……………..
Betty / do / her homework …………………….
Cindy and James / make / dinner …………………..
Rebecca / watch / Star Trek ……………………
10. Anita and Linda / sit / in the kitchen …………………….
Write positive sentences in past progressive.