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Debo poner futuro simple en estas oraciones: 1. You (earn)___________ a lot of money. 2. You (travel)_________ around the world. 3. You (meet)_________ lots of interesting people. 4. Everybody (adore)___________ you. 5. You (not / have)___________ any problems. 6. Many people (serve)__________ you. 7. They (anticipate)__________ your wishes. 8. There (not / be)___________ anything left to wish for. 9. Everything (be)___________ perfect. 10. But all these things (happen / only)___________ if you marry me.

Sagot :

.. You (win) win a lot of money.
2. You (travel) to travel around the world.
3 You (are) found lots of interesting people.
4. Everyone (worship) will adore.
. You (not / have) will have no problem.
6. Many people (serve) will serve you
7. They (anticipate) anticipate their desires.
8. They (not / be) there is nothing to be desired.
9. Everything (be) will be perfect.

10. But all these things happen (just /) only if you marry me.



.. Usted (ganar) ganara mucho dinero.
2. Usted (viajes) viajara en todo el mundo.
. Usted (se encuentran) encontrara montón de gente interesante.
  4. Todo el mundo (adorar) te adorara .
. Usted (no / tiene) no tendra ningún problema.
  6. Mucha gente (servir) te serviran
7. Ellos (anticipar) anticiparan sus deseos.
  8. Allí (no / ser)no hay nada que desear.
  9. Todo (ser) sera perfecto.
10. Pero todas estas cosas suceden (sólo /) solo si te casas conmigo


Las oraciones en futuro se forman utilizando el auxiliar "will" , su estructura es la siguiente:

  • Sujeto + will + verbo + complemento

1. You will earn a lot of money.

2. You will travel around the world.

3. You will meet lots of interesting people.

4. Everybody will adore you.

5. You won't have any problems.

6. Many people will serve you.

7. They will anticipate your wishes.

8. There won't be anything left to wish for.

9. Everything will be perfect.

10. But all these things will happen only if you marry me.

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