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Sagot :



I think he has got such a lovely smile

And his eyes are so beautiful

He has got such a lovely hair

Yes, and such cute eyes

And the way he is on stage. He is so sexy

What about his face? He has such a charming face!

And his hands?! He's got such wonderful hands.

And such an incredible voice

Yes, he is such an incredible man.


1. The coffee is so sweet.

2. Andrew goes to bed so late

3. It was such an amazing concert

4. Kate has got such a long hair

5. There was such a lot of people at the concert yesterday.

6. Peter has got such lovely eyes

7. The men are very lucky. They have such a lot of free time.


1. James has got such big feet.

2. Pamela has got so many dolls in her room.

3. They have such a beautiful daughter.

4. The orange is so sour it is impossible to eat.

5. Tim has got such a handsome face but such a bad temper.