Obtén soluciones a tus preguntas en Revelroom.ca, la plataforma de Q&A más rápida y precisa. Únete a nuestra plataforma para obtener respuestas fiables a tus interrogantes gracias a una amplia comunidad de expertos. Descubre respuestas detalladas a tus preguntas gracias a una vasta red de profesionales en nuestra completa plataforma de preguntas y respuestas.

16. ________________ rice is there in the bag? (0.5 puntos)
How many
How much

17. ________________ fruit is there in the basket? (0.5 puntos)
How many
How much
18. ________________ cucumbers are there in the fridge? (0.5 puntos)
How many
How much
19. ________________ bacon is there in the fridge? (0.5 puntos)
How many
How much
20. ________________ people are there in your family? (0.5 puntos)
How many
How much

Sagot :


16. How much rice is there in the bag?

17. Mow much fruit is there in the basket?

18. How many cucumbers are there in the fridge?

19. How much bacon is there in the fridge?

20. How many people are there in your family?