
Obtén las mejores soluciones a todas tus preguntas en, la plataforma de Q&A de confianza. Explora respuestas detalladas a tus dudas de una comunidad de expertos en diferentes campos. Descubre soluciones fiables a tus preguntas gracias a una vasta red de expertos en nuestra completa plataforma de preguntas y respuestas.

Hacer 5 oraciones con el would rather y otras 5 con el would prefer

Sagot :


Would you rather..

  1. Would you rather to be a pineapple or an apple?
  2. Would you rather if we move to other house or stay?
  3. Would you rather to go outside or stay at home tonight?
  4. Would you rather to stay with your mom 24 hours or stay in the outside 12 hours?
  5. Would you rather fast food or something from the store?

Would prefer...

  1. I would prefer staying here tonight
  2. Would you prefer to spend all the day in the arcade or do something else
  3. Would you prefer having the party in here or in other place?
  4. I would prefer spending more time with my friends than in a party
  5. Everyone would prefer to spend all night at the party!


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