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The clock is The picture is the armchair. the wall. The ball is the table. The cat is the armchair. The pillows are The lamp is the armchair. book. and The table is armchair. the chair the The chair is the table The mouse is The mouse is the table the chair and the armchair.​

The Clock Is The Picture Is The Armchair The Wall The Ball Is The Table The Cat Is The Armchair The Pillows Are The Lamp Is The Armchair Book And The Table Is A class=

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The clock is near the armchair.

The picture is on the wall.

The ball is in front of the table.

The cat is behind the arm chair.

The pillows are on the armchair.

The lamp is next to the book.

The table is between the chair and the armchair.

The chair is next to the table.

The mouse is under the table.

The mouse is between the chair and the armchair