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Sagot :
Respuesta: I always buy (you) a present for your birthday.
Take the book to her in the afternoon please.
Give him the letter immediately. Paint them yellow.
Draw us a picture.
Show them the new model.
Please tell them “Hello” for me.
Tonight we are going out.
Complete the answers with the right VERB TO BE, whether it´s affirmative or negative. Completa las respuestas con el verbo “to be” ya sea afirmativo o negativo (____/5)
Is there a television? Yes, there is, Is there a radio? No, there isn't
Are there any books? Yes, there are
How many books are there? There are a lot
Are there any photographs? No, there aren't
Choose the correct sentence.
Escoge la oración correcta. (__/8)
I´m a doctor
I am twenty- nine years old
I´m not married
My sister's name is Laura / She´s married
I´m an uncle
I have two brothers/ Patrick´s my sister´s son
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