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Prepare Complete the text with the sequencers below.

First- Later -Before- after -Then- then

Yesterdaywas my birthday. My boyfriend Efe planned a wonderful day for me. 1______ he cooked breakfast - - we had coffee, eggs and bread from the market. 2_______we traveled to a museum downtown. It wasn't a regular journey though - we went to the museum by boat! The trip was great because the weather was warm and sunny. We really enjoyed visiting the museum, but 3_______two hours, we were tired. We left the museum and 4______ we stopped in , we went to the theater. 6_______ we arrived at the theater, a café for coffee and some chocolate cake. 5______ we visited some stores and Efe bought me a scarf for my birthday. I had a really great day!​

Sagot :


1 First

2 Then

3 after

4 then

6 Later

5 Before


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