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alguien me puede ayudar, por favor, voy coronita ​

Alguien Me Puede Ayudar Por Favor Voy Coronita class=

Sagot :

  1. Aylin is THE MOST HARDWORKING student in the class.
  2. I am THE TALLEST student in the class.
  3. He is THE BEST player in the team.
  4. We are THE MOST SUCCESSFUL team in Turkey.
  5. Kenan is THE MOST HANDSOME boy in the classroom.
  6. My mother is THE LOVELIEST people in my life.
  7. My parents are THE MOST UNDERSTANDING parents I have known.
  8. Sevgi is THE FUNNIEST girl in our class.
  9. Agri Mountain is THE HIGHEST mountain in Turkey.
  10. Kizilirmark is THE LONGEST river in Turkey.
  11. Istanbul is THE MOST CROWDED city in Turkey.
  12. Asia is THE BIGGEST continent of the world.
  13. My teacher is THE MOST HELPFUL teacher in the school.
  14. Kerem is THE LAZIEST student in the class.
  15. Our horse is THE FASTEST horse in the town.
  16. My car is THE NEWEST in the park.