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Test Cross Worksheet
nogo slavine
2. In elephants, poofy tails (T) are dominant to scraggly tails (t) A poofy tailed mother is mated
with a scraggly tailed bull. Since elephants do not have a large amount of offspring, they produced
two puffy tailed calves.
Senoltingung play for
(a) Are these two calves enough proof to say that the mother is a homozygous TT? Or is it still
possible that she could be Tt?
Shosid pug 6220 J293 100 101 92oils voy inum barut xheld on 26W
(b) If the two calves were a poofy tailed calf and a scraggly tailed calf, would that be enough proof
that the mother is heterozygous? Is it possible for her to be homozygous TT? test brez
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