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Present Progressive Tense – Negative and Affirmative

Choose the correct verb from the list below to complete the following sentences. First use the negative form, then the affirmative.

drink / go / wash / play / cook / study / listen / write smoke / drive / speak / watch

Ex. Mary isn’t wearing a blue dress. She’s wearing a black dress.

1. Peter mathematics. He history.

2. The boys soccer. They hockey.

3. I coffee. I tea.

4. She a letter to her grandmother. She a letter to her aunt.

5. We a new car. We a used car.

6. I fish for dinner. I steak.

7. She sports on TV. She a movie.

8. The tourists Chinese. They Japanese.

9. He a cigarette. He a pipe.

10. She the dishes. She the clothes.

11. They to classical music. They to rock music.

12. We to Hawaii for our vacation. We to Mexico.