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Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verbs in parentheses. If used to isn’t
​possible, use the simple past.
31 We __________________________________________ (visit) my aunt in Ontario every summer.
32 My mother __________________________________________ (love) going shopping, but she says the mall is too crowded now.
33 They __________________________________________ (not walk) far along the beach because it started raining.
34 __________________________________________ (she / teach) at Bardwell Junior High School in Brooklyn?
35 He __________________________________________ (not play) the guitar very well, but he’s really good now.
36 I __________________________________________ (not like) vegetables, but I love them now.
37 Last year, I __________________________________________ (spend) six months traveling in South America.
38 Everyone __________________________________________ (go) to work by bus or train, but now more people drive.
39 Things __________________________________________ (cost) a lot less in the past!
40 __________________________________________ (your grandparents / live) in Poland?