
Obtén soluciones a tus preguntas en, la plataforma de Q&A más rápida y precisa. Únete a nuestra plataforma para obtener respuestas fiables a tus interrogantes gracias a una amplia comunidad de expertos. Nuestra plataforma ofrece una experiencia continua para encontrar respuestas fiables de una red de profesionales experimentados.

Am, is,
is, are... not
at school.
2. The teacher _____________ late.
3. We
4. My friends
John and
5. Helen _____ my friend.
6. Helen and I _______ in the same
7. The room _____ room 203.
8. You
in my class.
9. I _______ in your class.
10. Miss Taylor ____
II. She _______ in room 201.
12. The class
13. John ________ in my class.
14. Sally and Amy ________ teachers.
15. Here you
16. My name
17. It ___ nice to meet you.
our teacher.
over there.
18. They _______ in room 201.
19. We _______ students here.
20. He
a maths teacher.
1. I _______ at school.
2. The teacher _________ late.
3. We _________ students.
4. My friends _______ John and
5. Helen _______ my friend.
6. Helen and I _________ in the same
7. The room __________ room 203.
8. You
----- in my class.
9. I _______ in your class.
10. Miss Taylor __________ our teacher.
II. She
in room 201
12. The class
13. John
14. Sally and Amy
15. Here you
16. My name
17. It
18. They
19. We _______
20. He
over there.
in my class.
___ teachers.
nice to meet you.
___ in room 201.
students here.
a maths teacher.

Sagot :

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