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10 oraciones negativas con el verbo to be, 10 afirmativas con cualquier verbo menos con el verbo to be, 10 oraciones afirmativas con cualquier verbo menos el verbo to be?

Sagot :

10 oraciones negativas con el verbo to be:

I am not like other people.
2. You are not sad.
3. He is not a driver, he is a teacher.
4. He was not there when we got here.
5. He is not her uncle.
6. I am not sick today.
7. She is not happy about that.
8. We weren´t ready for the game..
9. They weren't happy with us.
10. Martha is not unemployed.

10 afirmativas con cualquier verbo menos con el verbo to be:

1. Danny sings in the shower.

2. Chris just had his breakfast.
3. Lucy writes a letter to her grandma.
4. Sonya loves to swim.
5. Sandra should not eat too much.
6. Your dog should get checked by a vet.
7. I do my homework every day.
8. Molly works at the supermarket.
9. Linda had to repeat the exam.
10. Trudy and Sam won the dancing competition.


I am not a good student. (Yo no soy un buen estudiante).

We are not old friends. (Nosotros no somos viejos amigos).

He is not a student. (Él no es un estudiante).

The pencil is not on the desk. ...

She is not absent from class today. ...

They are not friends. ...

The weather today is not good. ...

The sky is not clear.

1. Danny sings in the shower.

2. Chris just had his breakfast.

3. Lucy writes a letter to her grandma.

4. Sonya loves to swim.

5. Sandra should not eat too much.

6. Your dog should get checked by a vet.

7. I do my homework every day.

8. Molly works at the supermarket.

9. Linda had to repeat the exam.

10. Trudy and Sam won the dancing competition.


Espero que te sirva.