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ayuda con ingles nesecito que me hagan esto GRACIAS TEST: PAST SIMPLE & PAST CONTINUOUS A)COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING PASSAGES WITH AN APPROPRIATE PAST TENSE OF THE VERBS IN BRACKETS when I ............(get)home yesterday , my father...........(lie) on the sofa . there ...........(be)a newspaper in his lap,but he................(not watch) the programme.In fact,he..............(sleep). I ............(tum)the TV iff and.............(wake) him up. I.................. (meet)maria and kate yesterday,while I ..............(walk)home from the swimming pool. they............(come)out of a supermarket and they...........(go)to the park for picnic.they..............(invite)me to go and I .............(say)yes but then I............... (remember)that I had to prepare my science project