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necesito un dialogo en ingles de 3 personas donde se utilice los verbos going to y will es urgente que tenga 18 lineas

Sagot :

Dialogo en Ingles de 3 personas utilizando los verbos going to y will
que tenga 18 lineas.
   Peter : Hi friends, how are you?
   Kyle :   Fine and you?
   Peter: Very well,tomorrow I will buy a new car!
   Kyle :  Excelent!
   Kevin : I'm going to sleep because I'm very tired.
   Peter : Ok, just 2 hours, remember that we have to go to the party.
   Kevin : Sure!
   Kyle :  Meanwhile, let's play poker.
   Peter : Ok! I am going to bring it.
   Kyle  : Search it on that shelves .
   Peter : I found it !
    2 hours later .....
  Kyle : Yeah I won ! I will be a professional.
  Peter : In your dreams .
  Kevin : Woah... Wow, the party is going to start!
  Peter : Hurry up ! 
  Kyle : I will bring the car.
  Kevin : Ok, we will wait for you.

Necesito un diálogo en inglés de 3 personas del condicional if y Will el tema es sobre rederva natural de serpientes