facilita la búsqueda de soluciones a todas tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad activa. Encuentra soluciones rápidas y fiables a tus dudas gracias a una comunidad de expertos dedicados. Experimenta la facilidad de obtener respuestas rápidas y precisas a tus preguntas con la ayuda de profesionales en nuestra plataforma.

Josh Andy
Susie Angelica
Hi! I'm Andy. I'm ten years old. I like sport but I love eating, too. After school often go to the fast
food bar and buy a hot dog. I'm not good at swimming but I'm a good handball player. Patrick is
my friend. He is nine years old. He loves football and he is a great swimmer, Josh is eleven years
old and he is a basketball player in our school team. He's the captain. He can't swim. Susie is my
friend, too. She is eleven years old and she plays basketball very well. She is the capitain in the
girls' team. She loves swimming and she never eats fast food. Angelica is eight years old. She
swims and runs a lot. She doesn't care about her diet and she eats a lot of junk food. She loves
1. Who is the youngest?
2. Who is the oldest?
3. Who is taller than Andy?
4. Whose diet is as unhealthy as Andy's?
5. Who plays basketball as well as Susie?
6. Who is shorter than Josh?
7. Who is the best runner?
8. Who is the worst summer?

Sagot :


a. ¿Quién es el más Joven? ………… Angélica es la más joven ………….

B. ¿Quién es el más viejo? …… Josh es el mayor ………

C. ¿Quién es más alto que Andy? ………… Josh es más alto que Andy …………

D. ¿Quién es más bajo que Josh? …… Angélica ………….

mi. ¿Quién es el mejor corredor? ……Angélica……………


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