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how do se form sentences with it?​

Sagot :


idk loco amkko




they form

Subject + Verb + Predicate.

Subject + Verb + Predicate.Subject + auxiliary + not + verb + predicate.

Subject + Verb + Predicate.Subject + auxiliary + not + verb + predicate.Subject (noun) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object or other person)

Subject + Verb + Predicate.Subject + auxiliary + not + verb + predicate.Subject (noun) + verb + comparative adjective + than + noun (object or other person)Subject (noun) + verb + the + superlative adjective + object.


He is singing a song. / Él está cantando una canción.

She went to the zoo yesterday. / Ella fue al zoológico ayer.

They are cooking pasta now. / Ahora están cocinando pasta.

You should go to the dentist. / Deberías ir a un dentista.

The basic formula for this type of sentence would be: Subject + Verb + Complement.


go to class twice a week.

She reads the newspaper every day.

Mr. Green works with my uncle.


I hope it helps you