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L- Write eight instructions: How to change a wheel on a small toy
1 spanner – off – table _______________________________________________________
2 loosen – nuts ___________________________________________________________
3 nuts – off – old wheel ______________________________________________________
4 old wheel – off – axle _______________________________________________________
5 new wheel – on – axle ______________________________________________________
6 nuts – on – new wheel ______________________________________________________
7 tighten – nuts ___________________________________________________________
8 spanner – on – table _______________________________________________________

Sagot :

L- Write eight instructions: How to change a wheel on a small toy

1 spanner – off – table __

spanner  off  table

2 loosen – nuts  

loosen nuts  

3 nuts – off – old wheel  

off old wheel nuts  

4 old wheel – off – axle  

off old wheel axle  

5 new wheel – on – axle  

on new wheel axle

6 nuts – on – new wheel  

new wheel nuts on  

8 spanner – on – table  

on spanner table