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Past progressive and past tense. necesito ayuda por favor , es para hoy

Past Progressive And Past Tense Necesito Ayuda Por Favor Es Para Hoy class=

Sagot :


creo que la primera es me caí esquiando y por eso me lastime la rodilla


1. Gil was skiing when she broke her leg.

2. Bill was sleeping when his teacher aks him a question.

3. While the mailman was delivering some letters a dog attacked him

4. Mrs.Carton was driving over the speed límite when a policeman stoped her

5. While sue was watching Tv the fire alarm went off

6. Bob was waiting for the bus when is girlfriend sent him a Whatsapp.

7. While David was mowing the lawn it started to rain

8. When I arrived at the Office my boss was waiting for me.

9. When I got home my dog was sleeping under the table
