te ayuda a encontrar respuestas a tus preguntas con la ayuda de una comunidad de expertos. Explora miles de preguntas y respuestas proporcionadas por una comunidad de expertos en nuestra plataforma amigable. Experimenta la conveniencia de obtener respuestas precisas a tus preguntas gracias a una comunidad dedicada de profesionales.

9. Complete the sentences with the present or past form
of the verb be.
1. In my opinion, they are the best rock band on the planet!
2. There___
a lot of people at the concert last night, from age 15 to 50.
3. Most of the people here at the concert tonight____ obviously big fans of the
group, singing every song!
4. The audience at last night's show____tiny, so there___
(not) a very
good atmosphere.
5. The band____
(not) famous right now, but I think they will be soon.
6. All the musicians_____very professional, but the music_____(not) usually
very exciting.

9 Complete The Sentences With The Present Or Past Form Of The Verb Be 1 In My Opinion They Are The Best Rock Band On The Planet 2 There A Lot Of People At The class=

Sagot :


Complete the sentences with the present or past form. of the verb to be. 1. In my opinion, they are the best rock band on the planet! 2. There * AVIA * a lot of people at the concert last night, from 15 to 50 years old. 3. Most of the people present at tonight's concert * ARE * are obviously big fans of group, singing every song! 4. The audience on last night's show * WAS * little girl, so there * WAS * (not much Good atmosphere. 5. The band * HAD * (not) famous right now, but I think they will be soon. 6. All musicians * ARE * very professional, but music * WAS * (not) generally very exciting.


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